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Michal Meron - Parashot

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About Michal Meron

MICHAL MERON can be ranked today among the leading artistic talents in Israel devoted to the expression of traditional Judaic themes.

 Michal Meron draws her inspiration from an array of sources ranging from the mystical wisdom of Kabbalah to sacred texts, including the Torah and Talmud.

 Her reputation was built upon her enthusiasm for Micrography, a Sepharadic artistic style, originating in the Middle Ages, by which written biblical texts are used to create complete pictures. Of this complex technique Michal Meron is, arguably, Israels leading exponent.

 During the past few years, Micahl has widened the range of artistic techniques she employs and her latest works include watercolours. Acrylic, metal etching and mix media techniques.

 Michal was born in Haifa, Israel, and studied art in Vienna at the Academy of Arts and at Tel Hai Art College in the Northern Israel.

 In 1990 her work was shown in New York, Los Angeles and Helsinki; the following year in Munich at the Reichenbach Centere and in the Jewish Museum I nVienna. In 1992 Michals works were exhibited in London and Manchester, England.

Michal has four children and lives with her family just outside Tel Aviv.

During 1993 Michal Meron has devoted much of her time to the creation of several new and exiting collections to be released in the Autumn of 1993.